Surprise! An 8-year-old novice can recite Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta fluently without looking
An 8-year-old novice in Trang Province takes time about 20 minutes to recite Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta fluently without looking. He unveiled that he can recite the Seven Books of Abhidhamma since he was 5 years old. The recitation causes good concentration so that he often gets the first place in his class and he wants to study more about Buddhism in the future.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise.
IBS Club รับสมัคร V-Cheer ด่วน
ชมรมพุทธศาสตร์สากลฯ เปิดรับสมัคร V-Cheer หรือก็คือ อาสาสมัครผู้นำฟื้นฟูศีลธรรมโลก เพื่อมาทำภารกิจนำกิจกรรมสอดแทรกธรรมะให้แก่เด็กดี V-Star ในวันรวมพลังเด็กดีวีสตาร์ หากคุณพร้อมแล้ว ยื่นใบสมัครและอบรม First Step ได้ตั้งแต่บัดนี้
คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้ ตอน Taking Public Transportation
คําศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษน่ารู้ ตอน Taking Public Transportation การใช้บริการขนส่งมวลชน
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect.
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 4
In the Lord Buddha’s first sermon to the group of five initial disciples he advocated to steer between the extremes of sensual indulgence
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (3)
Actions of a Fool:
Our parents, our first role-model: Both children and young adults will observe the actions of adults around them and naturally copy what they are shown